Value of colour: shade and Tint

Shade: when black is added to the colour
TInt: when white is added to the colour

monochromatic painting

Last week we began looking at Value of colour: it is when colour becomes lighter or darker. 
The children asked: how can we make colour darker or lighter? 

We first experimented with adding white and black to the colours to see what will happen. 
The children predicted that black might make the colour darker and white will turn the colour lighter. 
After playing around with mixing various colours the children got to paint with the mixed colours and chose how much more or less of white and black to use.  They noticed that as they add more or less the value of the colour also changes.  

Julia discovered a tint of red: pink 
Last Friday the children made monochromatic paintings to see the contrast between the original colours and the tint/shade mix.  

Allye: Mine is lip balm pink
Nico: Mine is a flower pink


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