Friends are like oil and water...

 Human graph: asked the Wind group
what they think about Judy & Orin's comments
oil & water experiment
Tallying our ideas.
In this grouptime we addressed a couple of comments earlier on in our unit.  In the week of our formative assessment, Orin suggested that: "friends are not allowed to get angry at each other"; and Judy said that: "friends should not fight with each other".

I was curious about how the others feel so I asked if they agree or disagree with their peers. Most of them think that feeling angry and fighting is not ok at all because it makes them feel more sad and upset when a friend is angry. Then I asked if they ever ever disagreed or fought with a friend or felt angry. They all said "yes"so I wondered and I challenged them...if they feel they are "not allowed to fight and feel angry towards a friend" why does it happen or why do we feel that way sometimes? Orin just said: "because, we just do...I don't know"To support their thinking we read a story called "Matthew and Tilly" by R. Jones, a story which illustrates how friendships can have ups and downs; happiness and challenges.
We did an experiment of combining water with food colouring and oil with water. We used this as an analogy of the chemistry of friendships.There are times when our ideas and feelings "mix" well with our friends just like water and food colour. But there are also times when we're like oil and water that no matter how much we try we just can't get along; we disagree or feel angry towards each other.


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