
Showing posts from April, 2012

From Farm to Fork

How is our food is harvested and delivered to our dining table? The children in the Earth group wondered where bakery shops and grocery stores get their food supplies.  Simone said: "Maybe the baker gets it from Cosco".  Where do stores like Cosco get their stuff? I asked. So we inquired further and watched a video to see how it all works.  They were amazed by the machinery  in the processing plant and the jobs that people do.  The video was very helpful in understanding how the different community groups are interconnected and involved in the process of harvesting, distributing, selling and consumption of food supplies. After we  created a diagram and a diorama to show what we learned. The photos below also show us sorting and learning about various fruits and vegetables.  When we played the song game Oats and Beans and Barley grow the children were not sure what the word "crops" mean so we played this sorting game to help us know and identify ...